The 6th FOAM@Iberia Meeting, this year’s annual gathering for the OpenFOAM® Iberian community, will take place in the Campus of Ferrol of the University of A Coruña (Spain), on the 3rd and 4th of October 2024. It is organized jointly by the Center for Research in Marine and Industrial Technologies (CITENI, Campus Industrial de Ferrol), and the Center for Technological Innovation in Construction and Civil Engineering (CITEEC, Campus de Elviña).
This event will be a unique opportunity to stay updated on the latest advancements in the OpenFOAM® computational libraries, and their application in a wide range of sectors, as diverse as renewable energies, material processing, or marine and oceanic engineering. It is also an excellent forum to meet fellow users, share experience, receive wise advice from top notch users, and discuss possible collaborations. This event, like the previous editions, is intended to play a significant role in the dissemination of OpenFOAM®, not only in Portugal and Spain, since they are also open to worldwide participants.
In additional to the scientific program, which includes technical presentations of the latest achievements reached with OpenFOAM, a series of training sessions will be proposed both for OpenFOAM beginners and more advanced users, as well as keynotes lectures imparted by prestigious contributors.
The organization warmly invites Iberian Foamers, especially new comers, to join the event in Ferrol and contribute to the growth of an active OpenFOAM community.
We hope you will enjoy the exceptional environment of Ferrol, on the Nothern Atlantic coast of Spain, with worldwide known surf spots, exceptional panoramas and enjoyable gastronomy.
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline
Abstract submission is closed.
Notification of abstract acceptance
Extended until August 15th, 2024
Early bird registration
Extended until September 10th, 2024
FOAM@Iberia 2024
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